Tuesday 23 November 2010

Fashion marketplace for everyone from Asos

Sometimes the best ideas are the simplest, and this is the case with Asos' new marketplace. The idea is very straightforward. You take a garment you don't like and put it online. You can set up a trade account if you're a boutique and put loads of clothes on there.

Someone buys it, you send it.

People who use the Amazon marketplace scheme might find this sounds a bit familiar, and that's why it's so clever. It gets people to the site and Asos, a noted online fashion retailer, creams off some of the cash from that area without touching the goods.

It'll be interesting to see some of the items that come up, mind you. Parting with still-trendy stuff that just doesn't fit any more is one thing; finding a buyer for major sartorial errors is another. Will the blokes section be packed out with too-wide Marks and Sparks ties from the seventies from men who've never worn them..?

As a basic idea, though, as long as people are sensible about the quality they put up for sale, it's a cracking idea.

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