Thursday, 11 November 2010

Weather's changing, time for a new coat

Coats can be a bit tricky for a bloke. I have a favourite three-or-so-years-old thing from Next, which I bought purely because I was out one day and hadn't allowed for the drop in temperature, so I spent my sixty quid. It's warm, fleecy inside and it's a good dog-walking coat.

Schott black pea coat
In other words it would look a bit rubbish with a jacket or suit. Not that it ever claimed to be a formal coat. But is it worth spending out on something that's going to be only occasional, for formal wear (and my need to look formal is irregular - a couple of weeks ago I was suited every day, this week not at all, that's freelancing for you). So much as I'd like something tailored - the guys at asuitthatfits (sponsored link, I get points if you click through, make an appointment or whatever) offer fully bespoke offerings for £300 and for a bit extra you can have a detachable quilted lining so we're talking seriously warm - I can't justify the cost for very occasional wear.

So something which could just about pass in a formal setting as long as nobody looks too closely but which also works casually would probably be a good idea. This is why I'm considering a pea coat. I have no idea where the term 'pea coat' comes from but this new one from Schott (pictured) has the right air for smart casual but isn't going to look desperately out of place over smarter clothes. (Of course it won't stand up to close scrutiny but that's not such an issue for very occasional wear). It's also just about short enough not to scrunch up when you're driving.

I've no idea who stocks these things but the RRP is £170.

What's everyone else getting..?


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  3. The term "pea coat" originated from the Dutch or West Frisian word pijjekker, in which pij referred to the type of cloth used.

    And, I'm ahead of the curve for once! I've just bought the exact coat seen above and it's great! (many comments too)



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