Wednesday 19 December 2012

Dryathlon - raising dosh for Cancer Research

A quick break from Christmas presents today and a look to 2013, January to be precise. Tomorrow I'll be blogging about Christmas drinks; Tuesday will be Christmas Day (I know this stuff, I've Googled it) and a week later...I'll be abstaining from alcohol for a month.

People who know me will most likely have fallen off their chair at the thought. And certainly I enjoy a drink, not to excess but a good meal like, say, a really excellent steak, without a good red is not my idea of fun. Nonetheless there's a scheme called Dryathlon.

How it works

The idea is that I (and thousands like me) will abandon the bottle for the month, give the money we would otherwise have spent on booze to cancer research and (here it comes) get our generous friends and readers to sponsor us.

(If we fall off the wagon then we have to give an extra £15 to the charity so even if I don't keep it up we're still raising loads).

So, season of goodwill and all that, if anyone felt like sponsoring me for however small an amount you felt appropriate, here's my JustGiving page.

I will of course report back at the end of January on any weight loss, improved energy levels and other undesirable side effects the absence of alcohol has on me. Meanwhile, Ill urge people to drink responsibly and sensibly in what remains of 2012!

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